Power Campaigns with our Zapier Integration

Simplify your marketing with a platform custom-built for event marketers. Seamlessly integrate with various tools to put customer data at your fingertips, streamline your efforts, and segment with ease.

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limitless access

Connect with 2,000+ apps to automate your workflows

Use Zapier to connect with a variety of different apps so you can automate the process of getting new contacts into Hive. From Google Sheets to ecommerce platforms, automatically transfer relevant contact information into your account.

sync live

Save time with real-time data transfer

Say goodbye to the painstaking task of CSV imports from each of your tools with Hive's Zapier integration. Automatically import data to Hive so you can see detailed information on each of your customers to help you send engaging email and SMS campaigns.


Zapier gives you data you can act on

Use the Zapier integration to get access to information about your customers that live in external sources.

Real-time data transfer
One-time setup


"Email and SMS is the strongest converter for music festival brands. Hive allows us to directly communicate with our fans without having to spend additional advertising dollars."

Eryk Puczek
CEO @ Friends of Friends Agency


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Our platform is the ultimate ally for event marketers, offering tailored solutions for a diverse range of industries. Discover how our features cater to the unique needs of each sector, ensuring your events stand out in every crowd.