Power Campaigns with our Zapier Integration
Simplify your marketing with a platform custom-built for event marketers. Seamlessly integrate with various tools to put customer data at your fingertips, streamline your efforts, and segment with ease.
limitless access
Connect with 2,000+ apps to automate your workflows
Use Zapier to connect with a variety of different apps so you can automate the process of getting new contacts into Hive. From Google Sheets to ecommerce platforms, automatically transfer relevant contact information into your account.
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Save time with real-time data transfer
Say goodbye to the painstaking task of CSV imports from each of your tools with Hive's Zapier integration. Automatically import data to Hive so you can see detailed information on each of your customers to help you send engaging email and SMS campaigns.
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Zapier gives you data you can act on
Use the Zapier integration to get access to information about your customers that live in external sources.
Have more questions?
Hive is a marketing platform built for event marketers. It allows you to create email, automations, and SMS campaigns to help you sell more tickets in less time.
Hive integrates directly with your ticketing platform so that you can access your data in Hive in real time. You can access and segment by all the event details you care about, such as artist, genre, venue, and more.
Yes! Used together, our customers see greater ticket sales by combining email with SMS. This multi-channel strategy helps you reach more customers by meeting them where they're at, whether that's in their inbox or on their phone.
Creating newsletter sign-up forms and adding them to your website is one of the easiest ways to grow your subscriber list passively. Include both an email and phone number field to grow your lists. Consider using our contest functionality to drive even faster growth with the incentive of winning a prize.